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Village Voices
Village Voices is the online showcase of creativity by the members and volunteers of The Village Common of Rhode Island. We welcome submissions in all media: 2- and 3-dimensional art, creative writing, transformative ideas, crafting, and art collections. As important is the personal stories that accompany each submission.

Cliff Karten


Working with technology is both a hobby and a vocation for me. My professional career focused on IT, designing and using software that dealt with logistics. In recent years before retirement, I worked as an independent consultant. My technical skills are largely self-taught, were not included in my college major: Political Science.

As a Barrington Village volunteer, I decided to contribute to the Tech Help team because technology has passed by so many of our seniors. I welcome the opportunity to help them navigate the many issues they are confronted with on a daily basis, during “normal” times and especially now during the pandemic. Helping them to use Zoom or Skype to keep connected with family and friends or to book medical appointments is especially rewarding.


Artists Statement

Photography started as a hobby nineteen years ago and has become a passion. A native Rhode Islander and 42-year resident of Barrington, I am a New Englander at heart. It’s natural that my favorite subjects are ocean views and sunsets. From an early age, the beach was the place for me. I have family photos from Narragansett Beach when I was 2 years old!

As I hone my skills in photography, I often point my camera at the sparkling waters and views of green landscape around my home in Barrington. I am not naturally an early riser so my twilight photos are a result of planned activity or anticipated weather events. I’m always looking, hoping for that “perfect” photo. Not only do I go out looking for photos, I’m prepared to grab subjects whenever opportunity presents itself. So much depends on the quality of light and, obviously for sunrise and sunset, the precise time to be in the right place.

Equally exciting is returning home to review a day’s shoot. Being surprised and/or sometimes disappointed completes that day’s challenge. I always think about shots I should have taken. They haunt me: coulda, woulda, shoulda!

I have never worked in a darkroom. I began photographing in the digital age, and with my interest in tech it was natural to review my work on a computer. Just the same, I avoid digital manipulation of a photo. I try to stay “pure,” to let an image speak for itself. I’ve exhibited my work locally, and include a few of my favorite shots here in Village Voices. I invite you to check out the many varieties of my work that can be seen on my website:


Colt State Park in the Cold


Hundred Acre Cove Sunset


July 4 in Newport


Newport Bridge


Wickford Garden


Winter Sunset on

Hundred Acre Cove


RI Beautiful


Barrington Town Hall

in the Snow


Holidays in Bristol


Mist Morning Dock


The Mighty Blackstone


Wampanoag Morning Dew