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HomeEventsAquidneck Island Village: Circle of Pride training

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Aquidneck Island Village: Circle of Pride training

About this event

Aquidneck Island Village:
Circle of Pride training

The event will be held in the Parish Hall
of Channing on Sunday, January 19th from 3:00 - 4:30 PM.
This is an opportunity for any TVC Volunteer to attend an In-Person
Circle of Pride training with the focus on Aquidneck Island.

Channing Church is a Welcoming Congregation in the UU tradition
with an active LGBTQ+ group known as Interweave who meet monthly
for a potluck dinner.
This month we coordinated with Linda Ciolfi to host the January
meeting in the afternoon with snacks and dessert.
Nancy Peresta

Linda Ciolfi

Date and Time

Sunday, January 19, 2025, 3:00 PM until 4:30 PM


Channing Memorial Church
135 Pelham Street
Newport, RI  02840


In-Person Business

Registration Info

Registration is not Required
Registration in this calendar is not required, but please RSVP with Linda Ciolfi, email, or Nancy Peresta, email