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Barrington Village Garden Party

FootstepsL   Garden Party   FootstepsR
Barrington Village invites you to join us for a late afternoon garden party. It will be a chance to get together with old and new friends. We will offer appetizers and beverages and hopefully good weather with a light sea breeze.
It's the third summer in a row we have enjoyed this outdoor get together in Susan McCalmont’s backyard garden. It’s a very relaxed, casual event and a chance to get together with old friends and new. Guests offer to bring their favorite appetizers to share (finger food only), and we provide beverages.
There is no registration requirement, but we would appreciate an RSVP either an email to or a phone call to Susan McCalmont at 401-247-1170.
Friday, August 16th is the rain date for this event.
Friday, August 16, 2024, 5:00 PM
45 Bluff Road
Barrington, RI  02806
Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Barrington Village Office
Susan McCalmont
401-247-1170 (c)
In-Person Social
Registration is not Required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
There is no registration requirement, but we would appreciate an RSVP either an email to or a phone call to Susan McCalmont at 401-247-1170