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Writing and Healing Art Program/Programa de Escritura y Arte Curativo

Writing and Healing Art Program

Thanks to Dexter Donation Grant TVC is offering a series of workshops in Spanish Language. These events are focused to provide support that looks at the whole person which includes their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. 

Sussy Santana is a poet, performer, and cultural organizer using writing as a tool for healing. Much of her work explores the bi-cultural and bilingual experience through text and performance. 

Join us for this Writing and Healing Art Program!

Programa de Escritura y Arte Curativo


Gracias a Dexter Donation Grant, TVC está ofreciendo una serie de talleres en idioma español. Estos eventos están enfocados en brindar apoyo que abarque a la persona en su totalidad, incluído su bienestar físico, emocional y espiritual.


Sussy Santana es poeta, intérprete y organizadora cultural que utiliza la escritura como herramienta de curación. Gran parte de su trabajo explora la experiencia bicultural y bilingüe a través del texto y la actuación.


Acompáñanos en este programa de escritura y arte curativo!

Saturday, August 03, 2024, 10:30 AM until 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)
The Village Common of Rhode Island
Bliss Place, Conference Room 5th Floor
245 Waterman Street
Providence, RI  02906

Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Ana Lía Alcolea-Tassia
Bilingual Outreach Coordinator
401-228-8683 x3 (p)
In-Person Social
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Available Slots:
No Fee
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