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Village Voices
Village Voices is the online showcase of creativity by the members and volunteers of The Village Common of Rhode Island. We welcome submissions in all media: 2- and 3-dimensional art, creative writing, transformative ideas, crafting, and art collections. As important is the personal stories that accompany each submission.

Bonnie Ryvicker

Bonnie Ryvicker

I’ve had a varied professional career, including teaching Head Start and kindergarten in New York City. For more than 40 years I’ve resided in Providence. I have managed a volunteer program at a skilled nursing facility for more than two decades. When it closed, a colleague and I wrote a grant, which was funded, for an outreach program in nursing homes and assisted living facilities throughout the State. I worked in marketing for Family Services of Fall River and then for Community VNA and Hospice in Attleboro.

I am presently enjoying retirement and keep busy taking classes with LLC and visiting my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I’ve been active with The Village Common of RI for many years — as a member of the Providence Village Steering Committee, Fund Development, DEI, Health and Wellness Committees, and I lead Providence Village’s walking groups. I recently joined TVC’s Board of Directors.
Artist's Statment

I have always loved photography. My husband had a dark room — do you remember those from before the digital age? He had a camera with multiple lenses that he carried on our many trips. My job was to walk ahead of him and point him in the right direction to what I thought would make a lovely picture. This "job" set me up and trained my eye for finding shots that expressed the beauty, or told a story, about where we were. I especially enjoy that a photo might refresh a memory that has long since passed.

This past year, I’ve explored different techniques in photography with my new iPhone. What fun I have had!!! I enrolled in the Lifelong Learning Collaborative class, Cell Phone Photography Club. We’ve learned a lot. Although I enjoy digitally enhancing photos, I have come to realize that the inherent quality of the picture can be more important than how it is edited. (On occasion, I have totally demolished a picture by editing so much that it barely resembles the original.) I hope that you enjoy my selections. It has been such fun being asked to contribute to this Village Voices project.

Editor’s note: Visit LLC's "Gallery of Art" (here) ( where you will find Bonnie’s work alongside that of others.

Place your cursor over any picture, below, to enlarge it.

Beach at La Jolla CA
Spanish Exhibit in San Diego
San Francisco
The Golden Gate Bridge
Desert Cactus
Inside a Cactus Plant
Joshua Tree National Park
Nature in the Raw
In Flight
A Cactus and the Ocean
A Quiet Moment
Birds on a Rock
My Prayer
New York
Chinatown in New York
Surreal New York
A Rock and a Tree