Artist's Statement: Some time ago I was at a place called Yaddo, an artists’ retreat near Saratoga Springs. Philip Roth was there and other founding members of the Paris Review. Overhearing the conversation, I vowed to someday be in the Review with my own work. Many years went by and, low and behold, a long story of mine appeared in the Paris Review. On the strength of that I was invited to read from my own work at the 40th anniversary of the Paris Review to be held at Marion, Mass in a waterfront mansion. And so I did. At the podium I was joined by William Styron who read from Sophie’s Choice, and George Plimpton who read a story about a concord grape, thrown from a high building, landing in his mouth. Then I read my story. Because my published piece, Dominion, was too long I read another story and that was very well received, I must say. To be asked to join that company and read from my work was a highlight of my reading life and a great honor. It stays with me to this day.