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“I’m a great believer in insurance. If we don’t support our Villages, they won’t be there when we really need them.”

– Penny Faich, Member



It takes many hands – and many donations – to make a village.

Member dues cover only a portion of expenses at The Village Common and our local villages.  Generous contributions from people like you help us provide more village benefits to more older adults.

We welcome donations of any size and many types:

  • in honor or memory of a loved one
  • in support of our efforts to make village membership affordable for everyone
  • in support of our multi-year Growth Campaign
  • as part of your will or living trust
  • as donated securities


Make a donation Donate via PayPal Or your credit card

Call the office
Let’s start a conversation

Or mail a check to;

The Village Common of RI
Bliss Place, Suite 406
245 Waterman Street
Providence, RI 02906

The Village Common of RI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization