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HomeEventsCelebrate Westerly Village's 3rd Anniversary!

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Celebrate Westerly Village's 3rd Anniversary!

About this event

FootstepsL   Westerly Village Anniversary   
Celebrate Westerly Village's 3rd Anniversary!
We are excited to host our third anniversary as a Village with a gathering of friends.
The last few years have been good to us and we are nothing but grateful. Join us in being entertained by author Harriett Grayson as she takes us through her adventure in the History of Mysteries – and a few more surprises. There will also be some fun bingo with prizes and of course, cake and ice cream. RSVP by July 18 to
Please RSVP no later than July 18 by emailing
The Village Common relies on donations to offer our programs. This event is free to attend, but we thank you for any contributions you choose to give. Click on this button to donate. Donate

Date and Time

Sunday, July 21, 2024, 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM


Champlin Woods Clubhouse
128 Shore Road
Westerly, RI  02891

Event Contact(s)

Westerly Social
Peg Ware


In-Person Social

Registration Info

Registration is not Required
Registration in this calendar is not required, but please RSVP with Peg Ware by emailing